President Putin Putin delivered a speech at the “Zaryadye” Hall

President Putin Putin delivered a speech at the “Zaryadye” Hall

8 September 2020

Vladimir Putin congratulated Muscovites
and the City of Moscow on the City Day

President Putin Putin delivered a speech at the “Zaryadye” Hall

A concert dedicated to the 873th anniversary of Moscow took place in “Zaryadye” on the 5th of September. Heroes of the epidemic times – doctors and volunteers – were among guests. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobianin delivered welcoming addresses.

“Heartly congratulations on the City Day”, Mr.President said. “Unfortunatelly, though no mass events could be carried out this year I’m sure that Muscovites and guests of our beautiful capital understand the need for some temporary limitations, and those limitations cannot diminish the significance of City Day for both Moscow with its inhabitants and the whole Russia <…> It’s not the first time that Muscovites, hard-working, knowledgeable, talented, and even pushy, I would say, proved their ability to cope with any major challenges. It was the case during the pandemic”.

“From the very first day, when we realized that the country is on the brink of pandemic, and there’s no way we can avoid the disaster, we started rebuilding the whole city system, urban mechanism, so that it can cope with the monstrous problem”, Sergey Sobianin added. “Medics, nurses, health workers were the first we called to <...> In fact, there’s not that many professions in Moscow that stood aside, for we all of us were working as a team”. 

During the gala concert, the exclusive programme was performed by Mariinsky Symphony orchestra led by Valery Gergiev with pianist Denis Matsuev.

Photo: Presidential Press Office 

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